Orange Lanterns

Orange Lanterns
2018-2024, San Jose CA

Vicki Scuri SiteWorks with Alexandr Polzin
Landscape Architect: SWA
Sponsored by the San Jose Arts Commission 

Located at the site of the historic Market Street Depot, San Jose’s first main train station, the Orange Lanterns under the Coleman Avenue overcrossing create a sense of passage along Bassett Avenue. The public art project site, adjacent to a new neighborhood park, sits where the lawn of the Depot once held palm and orange trees. These orange trees inspire the two Orange Lantern beacons. This park is one of three new parks in the currently redeveloping area, each with an orchard theme. The lanterns are scaled to the infrastructure and provide a community landmark, promoting neighborhood identity and wayfinding. They are angled to project slightly beyond the columns, maximizing visibility and form. The lanterns introduce bright hues and translucent KodaXT to capture light within the forms. This light provides a soft, colorful nighttime illumination guiding people through the underpass, connecting the new neighborhood with downtown.

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