Blossom Hill Pedestrian Bridge “Xander’s Crossing”
2009-2012, San Jose, CA

Vicki Scuri SiteWorks
Engineer: AECOM
Architect: Shirley Bassett Architects
Sponsored by VTA, City of San Jose 

Blossom Hill Pedestrian Bridge is located in a multi-ethnic neighborhood over railroad tracks next to a vibrant neighborhood mall. Its cherry blossom theme is inspired by the once famous cherry orchards visible from Blossom Hill Road, attracting tour buses of visitors to the area. Now, the cherry orchards are gone, paved over with housing, commercial and retail developments. Still, the memory of the orchards persists, creating a connection to a fondly remembered past. The sun disks of cherries represent the cycles of life and death, and commemorate the death of a child on the tracks. The bridge, named Xander’s Crossing, honors his passing and celebrates life and renewal, providing a safe crossing.

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